I mean, you can mow down enemies easily anyway, so why do stealth? It's better to do guns-blazing. But the game gives no encouragement for stealth. Level design is good and mostly open-ended, you can tackle objectives in almost anyway you want. Like what are you, a reporter or a supersoldier? Voice acting is also bad, but this, the story and your character can be forgiven in a budget game. Yet near the end of the game, you find yourself in Germany destroying factories and secret weapons singlehandedly. You are an American reporter writing about what's happening there, only to find yourself caught up in the war. Enemy Front explores the Polish Resistance, something which hasn't been explored in WW2 games. There are plenty of faults with it, even for a budget title. Enemy Front This game could have been something if more effort was put into it. This game could have been something if more effort was put into it.
#Enemy front ps3 release date full
Well, the multi is full of hackers anyway and there are only 3 maps so no point to bother with this mode. One thing I noticed - you die really really fast in multilayer while the single player campaign is rather easy on medium. Gameplay-wise it is just old good shooter - they tried to implement stealth and sabotage as an alternative approach to the missions but who the hell cares if you can just load the MP40 and shred Nazies with that or headshot them with a Mauser? It also has a multiplayer mode, rather casual one for max 12 players. The best part of the game is the story - it is rather compelling for a FPS, especially in a one that is not an AAA title. I had not encountered any game breaking bugs or crashes, once or twice textures took to long to load. The campaign is rather short, i was playing all night and i finished it on medium in about 10 houres. Ai is dumb like in other shooters, not better not worst. The french or norwegian part of the game play looks so much better. The developers are not very clever and they offered the ruined Warsaw as the first game experience.
The graphic is a mixed bag - overall it is not bad - not jaw dropping, but very picturesque sometimes, on the other hand the game is also full of low res textures. This is the same simple stuff: just killing Nazis with a A LOT of weapons. For some reasons it also reminds me of Project I.G.I. Think COD 2 Big Red One and World at War or Medal of Honor serie. No bells or whistles, absolutely noting unique about the mechanics or settings - just the same stuff that was seen in all WW2 games before. No bells or Everything in this game - from the trailers to its price just screams out what this game is - a low budget classic WW2 shooter. … ExpandĮverything in this game - from the trailers to its price just screams out what this game is - a low budget classic WW2 shooter. Everyone should try it and judge it for themselves but it's a rental not a purchase. I would recommend this game to ww2 lovers but there really isn't much to come back for other than different play styles such as stealth or run n gun. One thing I really loved was the soundtrack for the game, I feel like it made me continue around the countryside more happily then it should have. The shooting physics work well and for the most part the ai is smart but never really challenging.
For using the cry engine the game fails and I was greatly disappointed. The game definitely has some good ideas taken from such games as far cry and saboteur and succeeds with the open sand box levels later on in the campaign but it does take some time to get to those levels. Story isn't that great but it pushes the game forward in an alright way. Story isn't Let me start by saying I love ww2 games and really miss them, but it's hard to look past all the glitches and choppy frame rate. Let me start by saying I love ww2 games and really miss them, but it's hard to look past all the glitches and choppy frame rate.